
The Center for the Literary Arts is a transformational hub for creative writing and translation, as well as different forms of literary arts and creative practice across Washington University and the St. Louis community.

As an initiative of the Arts & Sciences Strategic Plan, the Center explores all the ways in which literary art and creative practice can change the world around us. We seek to unite communities within and beyond academia by reimagining vital literary art-making for the 21st century locally and globally.

Within our university community, we will support and enhance the connections between creative practice and scholarly research across academic disciplines. We will partner with cultural institutions in St. Louis and beyond on programming and initiatives that re-imagine literature as a vehicle for creative expression and social change.

Stay in Touch

Stay informed about our news, programs and events by emailing literaryarts@wustl.edu or signing up for emails below.

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A Signature Initiative

The Center for the Literary Arts is a signature initiative of the Arts & Sciences strategic plan.

Learn more about the plan