The Literary Arts Resource Space
Through the Literary Arts Resource Space, the Center for the Literary Arts will provide a series of previously unavailable resource opportunities to the WashU and St. Louis communities through a range of literary arts programming, masterclasses, and activities. Here are just a few of our ideas:
- Grant and Fellowship Application Support - A series of info sessions covering topics such as how to apply for creative literary and translation grants with funders including the NEA, Guggenheim, Creative Capital, etc. and fellowship/residency programs such as the Fulbright, Yaddo, Breadloaf, Provincetown, etc.
- Creative Practice Fellowships, Grants & Residencies: A once-per-semester compilation designed to connect WashU creative practitioners with opportunities to advance their creativity and careers.
- Creative Professionalization Activities - This will include masterclasses covering such topics as how to work with agents, how to navigate the publishing industry, how to negotiate contracts, etc. We would love to know what sorts of professionalizing activities our community members are interested in. Send us your ideas!
- Literary Arts Undergrad Toolkit - A yearly outreach event for incoming first-year students during Welcome Week at which different courses and opportunities for engaging with literary creative practice across campus will be showcased by various faculty and programs.