St. Louis Literary Arts Calendar

Iman Mersal in Conversation with Mona Kareem

Jeff Copeland - Love You Madly, Holly Woodlawn

Visiting Writer - Tommye Blount

Saint Louis’s Indie Publishing Scene

Americanist Dinner Forum with Vanessa Angélica Villarreal

Rebe Huntman - My Mother in Havana

Georgia K. Johnston Writer-in-Residency Program: Hoa Nguyen

Goodie House: Poetry and Stories
The St. Louis Literary Arts Calendar provides the Washington University and larger St. Louis communities with information about literary arts events happening on campus and in the city. The calendar is a resource for anyone looking to expand their knowledge of literary arts events in the area—whether it's WashU students hoping to learn about events happening off campus, or community members looking to engage with the robust St. Louis arts scene. The Center for the Literary Arts also hopes that this calendar can spur more awareness and collaboration between literary arts groups within St. Louis.